Session Updates In-Person Worship Protocols
/Because information and the community status of COVID is frequently in flux, the Building Re-Opening Task Force Report to Session in June 2021 included a recommendation that First Church protocols be reviewed and refined based on learnings from their implementation. After careful consideration at its July meeting, the Session of First Church has adopted the following protocols until further notice. Please be advised that protocols will change as conditions worsen or improve; all changes will be announced via Session approved communication.
Traditional Service
If you are fully vaccinated, mask use is optional. If you are not fully vaccinated, masks are required. Love your neighbor and wear a mask! Please register online in advance or in-person on Sunday morning to assist us with planning and contact tracing, if it becomes necessary. Check-in with an usher when you arrive.
Celebration Service
Because the Celebration service is predominately attended by families with young children (who cannot be vaccinated), masks are required for all attendees. Please register online in advance or in-person on Sunday morning to assist us with planning and contact tracing, if it becomes necessary. Check-in with an usher when you arrive.