The First Presbyterian Choir

The Chancel Choir of The First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia is an integral part of worship.  With a repertoire spanning 500 years, the choir offers the very finest in sacred choral music.  The music represented in our worship life ranges from plainchant to Brahms and Bach to living composers.

The Chancel Choir is a largely professional ensemble, comprised of some of the finest singers in the city, as well as several instrumentalists and a few experienced and auditioned volunteers.  Our thriving music program strives not only to glorify God, but also to nourish worshippers and serve as an example to the Church at large that fine sacred choral music is very much still alive.

The choir is featured in several special services every year, including a service of Lessons and Carols at Christmas and the Good Friday service. In addition, they are part of the Concerts@First series each year.

The Parish Choir

Opportunities are available for interested singers in the congregation to sing occasionally in the morning worship service on Sundays. This is an opportunity for anyone, of any age - children, adults, and the young at heart. The ability to match pitch is required.  Please consider giving your time and talent. Those interested can contact Fran Kraemer.

The Congregation

The congregation is also a part of the music program.  While the choirs are present to offer anthems and special music to the glory of God, the congregation also serves a vital role in the singing of hymns and responses.  We are a congregation that sings with great vigor – please join in!

Concerts@First Series


Steinway Piano