Session announces transitional reopening plan
/On Wednesday, May 12th, Session approved reopening our church building for in-person worship services on or soon after July 4, 2021. Session also approved (a) the purchase of live-streaming equipment that will enable virtual worship services in real time for those who cannot or do not wish to attend in person, and (b) the reopening of the church office. These actions were approved after receiving, responding to, and extensively discussing the recommendations of the Building Reopening Task Force, as well as reopening plans and guidance issued by federal, state, and local governments.
In-person worship and live-streaming capabilities: The resumption of in-person worship is timed to coincide with the installation of live-streaming equipment in the sanctuary, which will provide real-time, on-line video access to worship services held in the sanctuary (i.e., the traditional 11 AM worship service). If the installation is delayed, the resumption of in-person worship services will be delayed as well. The Celebration! service, held in Old Buttonwood Hall, will not be live-streamed.
Session recognizes that access to safe and effective vaccines has changed the health and safety guidelines, however, our worshippers may or may not have completed the vaccine protocol and our ventilation issues demand a conservative approach to our reopening. For these reasons, our building reopening will occur later than the reopening dates recently announced by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia.
Reopening of the church office: The Church office will reopen on Tuesday, June 1, 2021; office hours are 10 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. As always, calling ahead before you intend to visit the church office is a best practice.
Additional information will be published as our church moves toward the transitional reopening, including information about the precise date when in-person worship will begin, what safety protocols will be mandated, and how to access the live-stream services.
Read the letter from the Clerk of Session and Dr. Mullis.
Read the Building Reopening Task Force recommendation report to the Session.