On the three Wednesdays evenings after Easter at 7:00 PM—April 15, 22, and 29—Barbara Chaapel will offer an online lectio divina experience focusing on the gospel texts for the Sundays in Eastertide. All are welcome to share our spiritual journeys in Eastertide through scripture.
To let us know you would like to participate, please email office@fpcphila.org, and you will be sent directions on how to join the Zoom meeting on your phone or computer.
Lectio divina offers the chance to invite the Spirit to enlighten our hearts and discern God’s will for us. This will be opportunity for us to read the text together and to share our responses and the connections we make between the scripture text and our lives, and to be in prayer together.
All are welcome, so if there are others in the congregation you think would appreciate this opportunity, please reach out to them.
The text for April 15 is John 20:19-29; The text for April 22 is Luke 24:13-35; The text for April 29 is John 10:1-10.