Women’s Bible Study meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:15 PM., at Saxby’s Coffee House, Walnut and 20th streets. It is for women of all ages. We continue our study in the New Testament book of Acts, and will be using a commentary by N.T. Wright. The book of Acts is full of the energy and excitement of the early Christians as they found God doing new things all over the place and learned to take the good news of Jesus around the world. It’s also full of the puzzles and problems that churches faced then and face today – crises over leadership, money, ethnic divisions, theology and ethics, not to mention serious clashes with political and religious authorities.
Won’t you join us for our journey together as women studying the book of Acts? We enjoy a cup of coffee and sharing our everyday lives together as well as seeking to support and build one another up for our Christian walks in daily life.
For information, please contact the Rev. Jerry K. Foote.