Governance Task Force Recommendation
A “Governance Task Force” was convened in early 2019 to discern whether or not the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia’s three-board governance structure—Session, Deacons, and Trustees—is the best structure as the church looks towards its future. After a period of study and discussion, in August 2019 the Task Force recommended to Session that the church transition to a two-board structure, comprised of the Session and Board of Deacons.
The following documents are available for review:
FPC Governance Task Force Recommendation (full document)
Congregational ByLaws (with changes tracked)
A Q & A session is scheduled for Sunday, November 10, following the 11 AM worship service in the MacColl Room.
A meeting of the congregation will be held on Sunday, November 17, immediately following the 11 AM worship service in the sanctuary to vote on the recommended changes to the Congregational ByLaws.