As part of our observance of the 325th anniversary of First Church, the Reverend Jesse Garner, retired Pastor of First Church, will present a two-part series on First Church, the Community, and Social Change. The lectures will be held on October 8 and 15 following 11 AM worship and Fellowship Hour.
The lectures will be focused on how the church(es) responded to dramatic changes in the community around it by looking at two periods, first in the late 19th/early 20th century (changes triggered by the Civil War and its aftermath), and then in the years following World War II (growing suburbs & economic decline in the city), and how they shaped the church that exists today.
The lectures will take place in the MacColl Room at 12:45 PM on October 8 and 15 with sandwiches and refreshments provided.
Remote attendance will be available as a webinar for those who are not able to attend in-person. Please register in advance to receive the webinar link. (Those attending in person do not need to register!)
The Commemoration Committee is presenting the discussions.