The Reverend Dr. Eddie Glaude, Jr., Princeton University professor and frequent contributor to our national discussions on race, has written an important book about James Baldwin (1924–1987), the African American poet, novelist, essayist, and civil rights activist. Jon Meacham has said: “In this searing, provocative, and ultimately hopeful book, [Glaude] takes us on a fascinating journey through the mind and heart of James Baldwin. But a parallel odyssey through Glaude’s own formidable mind and generous heart unfolds as well.”
Parish associate Rev. Kenneth Ross—theologian, historian, and former English major—will walk us through Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for our Own (2020) this coming January. We will try first to understand Baldwin’s America, and then to understand Dr. Glaude’s contemporary America, before exploring why Dr. Glaude—admittedly as a Christian pastor—has hope that we will emerge from our current trials a more inclusive and just society.
Class will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, January 12, 19, and 26, at 7:30 PM. It is not necessary to have read James Baldwin, or to have completely read Dr. Glaude’s book to benefit from our meetings. Please register below to receive the Zoom link, or call the church office (215-567-0532). Copies of the book are available; please indicate on the form if you need a copy of the book.