Beginning September 12, Dr. Baron Mullis will preach a 5-part sermon series, in which he will attempt to lay out a way of equipping us to think theologically about relevant topics in our modern life. We'll have the opportunity to talk about what we’ve heard with a moderated discussion on the sermon following the worship service each week. Please join us!
Listen to the sermons via our Sermon Podcast (available shortly after the worship service). Recordings of the talk-back sessions can be heard here.
September 12 The Politics Sermon
Jeremiah 29:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Fraz Thomas, Discussion Leader
September 19 The Violence Sermon
Romans 12:9-21, Luke 10:25-37
Bill Leonard, Discussion Leader
September 26 The Sex Sermon
1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 22:34-40
Cindy Jarvis, Discussion Leader
October 3 The Money Sermon
Luke 12: 41-48, Deuteronomy 11:13-21
Craig Boddorff, Discussion Leader
October 10 The Earth Sermon
Genesis 1:24-31, Mark 12:28-34
Stella Tsai, Discussion Leader