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Pioneer Women Reflect on Women in the Bible

Beginning on May 6, the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia is offering a new series called Pioneer Women Reflect on Women in the Bible.  This series invites you to see the women in the Bible through the eyes of women who were called to teach and preach when women in church leadership were few and far between. Each has been asked to reflect on a woman in Scripture whose character has been important for her own life and vocation.

The weekly series will be offered as videos on our website, with an installment posted each Wednesday evening.

May 6 - Eve (Genesis 3)
Cynthia Jarvis, retired minister of The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill in Philadelphia

May 13 - Woman with a Hemorrhage (Mark 5)
Barbara Chaapel, retired Director of Communications, Princeton Theological Seminary and Parish Associate, First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia

May 20 - Daughters of Zelophehad (Numbers 27)
Carol McDonald, retired Synod Executive of the Synod of Lincoln Trails and Parish Associate at Northminster Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis

May 27 - Huldah (II Kings 22)
Andrea Rodgers, second-career minister and regular worshipper at First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia

June 3 - Lydia (Acts 16)
Rosemary Mitchell, Senior Director of Mission Engagement and Support, Presbyterian Mission Agency, PC (USA) in Louisville, Kentucky

June 10 - Samaritan Woman (John 4)
Marilyn McEntyre, spiritual writer, speaker and Professor of Medical Humanities at the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program

June 17 - Junia (Romans 16)
Katie Day, Charles A. Schieren Professor Emerita of Church in Society at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (Now U.L.S)

June 24 - Women in Romans 16
Elizabeth Johnson, J. Davison Philips Professor Emerita of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary

July 1 - Miriam (Exodus 15)

Kathleen McVey, Joseph Ross Stevenson Professor Emerita of Church History at Princeton Theological Seminar

Later Event: June 22
Women's Summer Book Club