Ye Shall Have a Song: A Choral Pilgrimage

With Gladness of Heart

London • Glasgow • Edinburgh

In 2017 our choir traveled to Truro, England, to sing evensong and Sunday morning services as the choir-in-residence at Truro Cathedral. The trip was an extraordinary musical, spiritual, and cultural opportunity, one that shared the power of sacred choral music to unite Christian communities in worship. We could not have done the trip without the overwhelming support of the First Church congregation and community. We are now planning another tour, for which we need your support.

Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy festival is kept, and gladness of heart…
— Isaiah 30

The choir received an invitation to sing “in-residence” at St Paul’s Cathedral in London, after a visit from Simon Johnson (assistant organist at St Paul’s Cathedral in London) to First Church in 2020. This is an immense honor, and another opportunity for us to share our church’s significant ministry of music with fellow Christian worshipers overseas and to immerse ourselves in the venerable practice of sung daily services, while helping a sister church to maintain a centuries-old tradition when its choirs are on summer holiday.

This time around, in addition to our time in London singing within the tradition of the Church of England, we will also experience our historic Presbyterian roots in the Church of Scotland, traveling to Glasgow to sing for Sunday morning service at St. Mungo’s Cathedral (the High Kirk), and to Edinburgh, to offer a final afternoon concert of the trip at St. Giles Cathedral, the mother church of Scottish Presbyterianism.


While it may seem a major expense with a lot of work attached, the benefits of undertaking a trip such as this far outweigh the expense. First and foremost, all musicians and ensembles improve their depth of blend and musical sensitivity when provided the opportunity for intense music-making at a high standard for a period of time outside of the normal routine. It serves as continuing education for the choir, working toward a communal goal, from which our own church will benefit in our worship life. There was a marked boost in musical sensitivity and technical ability following our first trip. Sadly, much of that has disappeared as a result of not singing together properly during COVID. So this opportunity comes at a much-needed time.

Second, such a trip affords an opportunity for individual choir members (as well as traveling companions) to grow together and know each other in ways not possible in our ordinary routines at home. Socializing around food and sharing cultural experiences help us to know and understand each other, which in turn, is reflected in our singing.

Finally, immersing ourselves in the ancient daily monastic pattern of singing extended psalms and musical settings of liturgical music brings us closer together spiritually. In a sense, the entire experience becomes an extended spiritual retreat.


The schedule is August 7-11 at St Paul’s, August 13 at St Mungo’s, and August 15 at St Giles. The inclusive dates with travel are August 5-16.


As we know from the previous trip, there is a great expense, and involves the hard work of fundraising. Like the trip to Truro, the complete expense for the trip is ours. Funds raised will be used to offset the per person cost for regular Chancel Choir members, who have agreed to contribute $1,000 each toward their cost. This speaks volumes to the dedication and commitment of our wonderful choir.

The per person cost is $3,500, inclusive of airfare, accomodation, ground transportation, meals, and group activities. As was true for the trip in 2017, singers/traveling companions who are not members of the Chancel Choir will be invited to accompany the choir. Each companion will pay an additional charge of $500 ($4,000 per person) with the additional $500 charge considered a tax-deductible donation. (In 2017 there were 10 individuals who joined us as companions providing $5,000 toward our goal.)

The Session has approved allocation of additional funds from the estate of Ike Williams, and an honorarium from The Curtis Institute paid to First Church for the use of our pipe organ while they were undergoing renovations. The remaining funds would be raised by various public events planned by our choir, as well as a few expected larger donations. We will also inquire about grant opportunities from The Presbyterian Foundation.

View the Choir Tour brochure for a financial summary.


A fundraising committee has been formed, consisting of Philip McMunigal, Patti Sassoli, Barbara Chaapel, Cynthia Jarvis, Fran Kraemer, Brian Chu, and Andrew Senn. Fundraising for this endeavor begins early in 2023; we are organizing several exciting and entertaining events to which everyone is heartily invited. Another benefit of the lead up to trips like this is that they provide ways to bring us together as a community. And what better focus than music?


If you are unable to attend any of our events, or would simply like to make a donation, you may contribute online (select “Choir Tour Donations” from the fund list), or by check made out to FPCP. Donations of any amount are gratefully appreciated, and your name(s) will be listed in the program booklets at all events.

BASS - up to $99
TENOR - $100-$249
ALTO - $250-$499
SOPRANO - $500-$999
ANGEL - $1000-$1499
ARCHANGEL - $1500 and above

All donations to the tour are governed by the Church’s giving policy found on the church website.


(See upcoming events for more information.)

Hymn-a-thon, 10 AM

FEBRUARY 19 @ 4 PM (date changed from February 12)
Calli Graver and Friends present Love is in the Air, a Valentine’s Happy Hour Jazz Concert; Tickets $25

A Wine Tasting of Operatic Proportions with Brian Ming Chu, baritone; Hannah Ludwig, mezzo soprano, and Eric Simonis, sommelier;  Tickets $50

MAY 20
Ike Williams Memorial Concert with Richard Webster; reception and silent auction


Just as in 2017, there are places for traveling companions. Those places may be for non-singer supporters of the choir, or for singers; an audition and some singing experience is required. Please contact Andrew Senn to express interest.